Mix and match the modules below to create the half-day, full-day or multi-day learning program best-suited to your objectives. I can deliver these programs onsite or online (webinar format).
I'll customize each session to reflect the topics your team writes about and the industry you compete in. Also, I'll supply your group with a takeaway workbook filled with practical exercises that will help your team master the techniques we discuss during the training.
C-suite executives. Researchers. Business analysts and subject-matter experts.
Anyone who hopes to persuade others through thought-leadership content can benefit from our exciting new workshop. The result? Better blog posts, industry articles, research reports and more.
Ask me to deliver this program to several of your organization’s thought leaders. Or, have them register for our open, online workshop on September 21/28, 2021.
Does your team develop content for a website or intranet? This workshop helps them understand how reading patterns have changed in recent years. It also shows how they can write information so those viewing it on a screen will connect with it, read it and act on it.
It emphasizes crafting sentences that are more concise. Paragraphs that are less dense. Getting to the point more quickly and writing headlines and content teasers that are more likely to generate clicks.
Employee profiles. Customer success examples. The art of weaving an effective story is easy to learn when someone walks you through the process, step by step.
This session emphasizes how communicators can get the most out of interviews (conducted in person, over the phone or via email). How to craft a lead sure to draw the reader in. How to organize a feature article for maximum impact. How to smoothly walk the reader from one subtopic to the next and how to close the deal with a powerhouse conclusion.
Here's the workshop filled with tips and techniques that will ensure your organization's annual report copy, employee newsletters, marketing materials and customer success stories leap from the page or screen.
It addresses the importance of using compelling vocabulary over blah vocabulary. How to distinguish effective quotes from empty quotes. The power of similes, metaphors and the active voice, and the value of embedding the human experience into one's story.
Others in your organization look to your communication department as the credible source for information. So everything you produce must reflect the highest standards of grammar, spelling and AP style, as well as your company's style manual.
This module helps your team avoid the most common mistakes made by business communicators. Is it 'affect,' or 'effect?' 'Each of the customers HAS' or 'Each of the customers HAVE?'
This workshop is especially valuable to those organizations that have recently created or updated a style manual and have a critical need to ensure their communicators are all on the same page.
Perhaps the emails your sales team is sending to current or prospective customers are raising a few eyebrows. Or maybe everyone in your organization needs a little refresher on how to talk to one another via email.
This session addresses what constitutes an effective subject header and what does not. The right way to open an email and the best approach to getting to the point immediately. How to ensure one's tone is positive and professional and how to avoid the most common email mistakes.
Marketing brochures. Marketing newsletters. Facebook posts and tweets. They all contribute to an effective promotional campaign. But does your marketing team know how to make the most of each channel?
This module helps your marketing writers see how campaigns can go awry and the words and phrases that keep them on track. The difference between claims, value propositions, unique differentiators and evidence. How to build interest in one's product or service and how to get the reader to 'download,' 'register,' 'subscribe,' or 'buy.'
Does your organization have subject-matter experts, consultants or researchers who post articles on LinkedIn or other online sites? Do they know how best to write and promote their work so others will find it, read it and be influenced by it?
This program helps your employees craft content that's jargon-free and easy to scan. Headlines that lure peers in and leads that state one's conclusion as quickly as possible. All driven by data that LinkedIn, Facebook and other social media sites tell us are the approaches that do and do not work.
Don't see what you need in the list above? Contact me about designing a customized workshop that addresses the specific skills you want your team to master.